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AI-powered virtual assistant for Health & Human Services agencies

Bring on eligibility determination

Image of robot filing paperwork.
Image of chalkboard that says Innovation + Automation = Positive Social Imapact.

We're on a mission

At TipCo,  we're on a mission to tackle the critical staffing shortages facing Health and Human Services (HHS) agencies nationwide. Focused on rapidly growing Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Medicaid programs, our commitment is grounded in the belief that innovation and automation are catalysts for positive social change.  By addressing the root causes and empowering agencies with high vacancies, we will ensure timely and comprehensive support to improve outcomes for vulnerable populations.

Our approach

We are a woman-owned innovative technology company poised to revolutionize the Health and Human Services (HHS) industry. By combining automation and AI with a deep understanding of the human services landscape, our sole purpose is to drive positive change and improve outcomes for vulnerable populations. 

Group of three people looking at a computer.
Image of chalkboard with Innovation + Automation = Positive Social Impact.

We're on a mission

At TipCo,  we're on a mission to tackle the critical staffing shortages facing Health and Human Services (HHS) agencies nationwide. Focused on rapidly growing Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Medicaid programs, our commitment is grounded in the belief that innovation and automation are catalysts for positive social change.  By addressing the root causes and empowering agencies with high vacancies, we will ensure timely and comprehensive support to improve outcomes for vulnerable populations.

Our formula

We brought EVA (short for Eligibility Verification Assistant) ,our AI-powered flagship product, to market as an innovative solution to address the critical challenges facing HHS agencies. With a deep understanding of the complex demands and evolving protocols within HHS, EVA  seamlessly augments existing workforce capabilities and ensures adherence to Medicaid and SNAP program regulations.

Image of Chalkboard with the TipCo formula. Innovation + Automation = EVA Solutions.

Stay in Touch



500 Terry Francine Street
San Francisco, CA 94158

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